Unlearning Imposter Syndrome – Podcast

Click the Link to Listen to our Podcast on Unlearning Imposter Syndrome – Click HERE

We spend most of our young years being conditioned to what we can and cannot do, passing and failing by a number on a piece of paper. Our friends have conditioned us that we only deserve their friendship when there is something they get out of the relationship.

Then we spend most of our adult life re-conditioning and re-affirming all that we assume is limiting in our homes, businesses, relationships, society, careers etc. Then we assume those feelings are personal, too ashamed to even admit we have them and do anything about it. Then we become stuck between who we assume to be and that which we want to be, become, experience, but most of all, called to be, serve, soar, and thrive.

In this episode, we break down the oooh! So not famous “Imposter Syndrome” Listen in let us do better and be better together.

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